Spring Snow

Seriously. Seriously?!  

Well, apparently the weather people were right and I woke up to blowing flakes of snow landing on my face from an open window above my bed. It's May for Christ sakes people. May. 

I figure if I repeat things enough reality will settle in. Settle in.

But I'm pretty sure the little graphic with cloud and snow on The Weather Network's web site is just as truthful as the white stuff on the ground outside.

I suppose this is where I shut my window, put on some pants and suck it up. That or I could move to a different hemisphere. I'm sure I'd find just as many things to complain about if I did.   


Intent said...

Oh, God, I really hope that what happens up there doesn't reflect what will happen down here. If tomorrow isn't shorts weather I'm going to be extremely pissed. xD

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