
Spilled Milk

I hope you see
The spaces
Dark spaces -- [In between]
Shadow that seeks
Trust to delivers us
Feed it again

You will stride away
Being burnt -- [In the end]
I have a hard time perceiving
Anything other than
Indifferent shades of green

Darkness -- [Illuminated]
Black, it beckons white
Suppress, and flounder
The love within
Hate it begins
Hope it drowns
The past it dwells

And these spiders
Spiders -- [Are spies]
Not choosing sides
Listening -- [Watching]
As your faith dies

And my thoughts
Thoughts -- [Thoughts are]
Pleasant, few and far
Mostly obscene
I hope you can see
In the dark
Dark spaces between

I am sorry
Feed it again
You will run away
Being hurt -- [And in the end]
Have a hard time feeling
Anything other than
Unfocused shades of mean

Darkness -- [Concentrated]
Black beckons for light
Suppress and flounder
No love within
Hate begins
Hope drowns
The past that dwells

Beside myself -- [I find myself]
You don't care
Don't point your finger
Fleeting glances
Casting rumors
A sideways stare
You can't fucking judge me
'Cause you weren't there


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